Enrollment Information
Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year has concluded. You may now apply for the 2025-2026 school year.
Enrollment/Attendance Zone Policy
For the purpose of enrollment, Statesboro STEAM Academy will enroll students on a two-tier system from within Bulloch County under a tiered attendance zone. Families wishing to enroll in Statesboro STEAM Academy must submit an enrollment application. Students with an enrollment application will fall into one of three categories: Tier 1, Tier 2, or students with special enrollment preferences.
Category Definitions
Tier 1: Consists of families residing in geographic catchment areas for Julia P. Bryant Elementary, Mattie Lively Elementary, Mill Creek Elementary, Langston Chapel Elementary, Sallie Zetterower Elementary School, Langston Chapel Middle School, William James Middle School, and Statesboro High School within Bulloch County.
Tier 2: Consists of families residing in geographic catchment areas for all other Bulloch County Schools outside of Tier 1.
Special Enrollment Preference: Consists of families that have a student (siblings) already enrolled, students of governing board members, and students of employees of Statesboro STEAM Academy.
In order to determine acceptance of applications, Statesboro STEAM Academy will provide open enrollment to each category, each year. Tier 1 applicants will assume all open spots first. In the event that Statesboro STEAM Academy can only fill 75% of the available seats with Tier 1 students, the remaining seats will then be available to students in Tier 2. If there are more Tier 2 applications than the remaining available seats, a lottery will be held to fill all the available seats. The lottery will include applicants in Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Applications in Tier 2 will only be accepted if Statesboro STEAM Academy determines that it has 75% or less of the expected student enrollment for the school year.
SSCCAT will follow state laws for enrollment of students at SSCCAT, including appropriate “lottery” procedures as required. Enrollment of students is based on SSCCAT charter contract. Any parent interested in enrolling his/her student at SSCCAT must fill out the enrollment application.
Enrollment Information:
SSCCAT will follow state laws for enrollment of students at SSCCAT, including appropriate “lottery” procedures as required.
Enrollment of students is based on SSCCAT charter.
Any parent interested in enrolling his/her student at SSCCAT must fill out the enrollment application.
Statesboro STEAM CCAT Academy must obtain the following upon admission:
Proof of up-to-date immunizations
Birth Certificate or social security card
Most recent report card
Most recent test scores (GMAS, ITBS, etc.)
Any Special Education or Disciplinary Records
A signed Parent Contract
An Emergency Form
A Medical Permission Form (if needed)
Proof of residency
Procedures concerning enrollment:
SSCCAT does not discriminate based on disability, race, color, gender, or national or ethnic origin in enrollment policies.
SSCCAT will advertise open enrollment in the spring of each year and throughout the year if openings exist.
Students will be enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis as openings exist, and students will be placed on a waiting list in the order of received applications if openings do not exist.
Openings will be filled with students by conducting a lottery in the spring.
SSCCAT will begin advertising for fall enrollment the previous January through April.
SSCCAT will set a deadline for Intent to Enroll forms for returning students to be turned in by March 15. New students must turn in applications by June 1.
After March 15, SSCCAT may begin replacing current students whose families have failed to turn in the Intent to Enroll forms with students on the waiting lists determined by the enrollment lottery.
If positions remain available after March 15, openings will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Students will not be enrolled after July 1 of each school year.
If students are initially enrolled and do not attend school for 10 days of that session, they will not be considered officially enrolled.
Statesboro STEAM will conduct the annual Lottery and Lasagna in 2025 provided there are slots available that require us to do a lottery. The date for the annual lottery for 2025 is below:
Location: Statesboro STEAM Academy
Time: 5:30 PM
Date: TBD